Friday, October 16, 2015

How to disable Ubuntu’s Guest Session

Guest Session - which anyone can log into to the desktop through Guest session – no password required. If you'd restrict access to your computer, 

Ubuntu doesn’t expose an easy option to disable this feature. If you poke around the User Accounts configuration tool, where you might expect to find such an option, you won’t find one. To disable it, we’ll have to edit lightdm.conf, which controls the LightDM display manager (login screen)’s settings.
Open LightDM’s configuration file in a text editor through entering the following commands in Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), 

sudo gksu gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

You’ll be prompted to enter your password. After you do, it shows contents of the file.

if it is not shows just copy and paste it.

after that add the following line to the end of the file, in the [SeatDefaults] section:


Save the file after adding the line.The changes will take effect when you restart your computer. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ubuntu Domain join problem (pbis) - Error: Received error while querying lwsmd. [code 0x00000002

First create a systemd unit file for this service, and then enable it. The following worked for me on Ubuntu 15.04 (upgraded from 14.04) with PBIS 8.2.2.
Create the file lwsmd.service in /lib/systemd/system like this:

nano /lib/systemd/system/lwsmd.service

Here are the contents (paste this in to the file you created above).

Description=BeyondTrust PBIS Service Manager

ExecStart=/opt/pbis/sbin/lwsmd --start-as-daemon
ExecReload=/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm refresh
ExecStop=/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm shutdown
# We want systemd to give lwsmd some time to finish gracefully, but still want
# it to kill lwsmd after TimeoutStopSec if something went wrong during the
# graceful stop. Normally, Systemd sends SIGTERM signal right after the
# ExecStop, which would kill lwsmd. We are sending useless SIGCONT here to give
# lwsmd time to finish.

Once this is done, make a symlink to this file in /etc/systemd/system:

cd /etc/systemd/system
ln -s /lib/systemd/system/lwsmd.service

At this point you should be able to type:

service lwsmd status

and see that the service exists and is enabled.
Then typing:

service lwsmd start

should start it up and have pbis working as expected.
Now to make it work at boot time. Enable the service with this command:

systemctl enable lwsmd.service

It should give some feedback about creating some symlinks.

Then reboot your computer and all should be working.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to install a thesaurus in LibreOffice? Synonyms issue.

Using the standard installation of LibreOffice you don't have to install it. It is already installed. You can right click any word choosing the entry »Synonyms«. Now you will get a list of synonyms to the selected word. If this does not work

you can resolve the issue through installing Thesaurus:
sudo apt-get install
Then change the language option.
ToolsLanguageFor All Text → select English (USA)
you can now access the Synonyms option through right-click → Synonyms   

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Installing fonts in Ubuntu & Lubuntu

Press Alt-F2 and type the following:

gksu pcmanfm /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
which will open a file manager in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/. Be careful, you're root in the file manager and therefore can delete anything.

Then just drag and drop your ttf(s) into that folder. Close your file manager to exit the root session.

Then open a terminal and run:

sudo fc-cache -f -v
to update the font cache.

As per:

Saturday, June 27, 2015

How to use Indian Rupee currency symbol in keyboard

Its been quite a while that, the INR or Indian Rupee Currency Symbol was introduced. Earlier there were some ad-hoc solutions released by a 3rd party – like a Rupee symbol Font was released which had to be installed on the system, to view the symbol. Later Microsoft came up with an update for the same, which enables one to type it using the keyboard shortcut. This update too was released a long time back. But even now many people ask about the official method for typing the INR symbol in Windows. Let us see how to type the INR symbol using the Keyboard shortcut for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Indian Rupee Currency Symbol download

First of all get this update -KB2496898 from Microsoft. Download the update based on your version of Windows. This update requires validation and will validate before downloading.

Using Indian Rupee Currency Symbol in Windows 7

Install this update. The system will require a restart after the install. Once you have installed this, now go to Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and languages tab . Click on ‘Change Keyboards…’ and under ‘General’ tab , click on ‘Add…’  and tick India under English (India ), you can also find this under English (United States) Keyboards.

Once done, you can see it listed under Installed Services. And also you can see it in the system tray.

Now open the document where you want to type the symbol, be it the Word doc or notepad or any other. From the system tray, select English (India). Now use the keys Ctrl+Alt+4 shortcut to type the symbol. On some new keyboards, they have the Rupee symbol printed on the key, just like $. Else in earlier keyboards, look for the key which has $ & 4 on it. I noticed that in some applications such as while typing in Windows Live Writer, I had to use the Ctrl+Alt keys present on the right side of the space bar. It however worked for both sides, when using in Word or Notepad. So this is how the Indian Rupee Currency Symbol is typed in Windows 7.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How to install HP Laserjet 1020 Printer on Lubuntu 15.04 LTS

Click the link, or cut and paste the whole command line below to download the driver.

    $ wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz
Now unpack it:
    $ tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz
    $ cd foo2zjs
Now compile and install it. The INSTALL file contains more detailed instructions; please read it now.
    $ make

Get extra files from the web, such as .ICM profiles for color correction,
and firmware.  Select the model number for your printer:
    $ ./getweb cpwl # Get Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L .ICM files
    $ ./getweb 2200 # Get Minolta 2200 DL .ICM files
    $ ./getweb 2300 # Get Minolta 2300 DL .ICM files
    $ ./getweb 2430 # Get Minolta 2430 DL .ICM files

    $ ./getweb 1000 # Get HP LaserJet 1000 firmware file
    $ ./getweb 1005 # Get HP LaserJet 1005 firmware file
    $ ./getweb 1018 # Get HP LaserJet 1018 firmware file
    $ ./getweb 1020 # Get HP LaserJet 1020 firmware file

    $ ./getweb 1025 # Get HP LaserJet Pro CP1025nw .ICM files

Install driver, foomatic XML files, and extra files:
    $ su   OR $ sudo make install
    # make install

(Optional) Configure hotplug (USB; HP LJ 1000/1005/1018/1020):
    # make install-hotplug OR $ sudo make install-hotplug

(Optional) If you use CUPS, restart the spooler:
    # make cups   OR $ sudo make cups

Now you can go to the printer utility and install through default procedure (now able to find the driver in the provided list).

For more reference kindly check below mentioned link.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

UBUNTU 14.04 LTS Date and time is not displaying in the menu bar after login

Issue: At the time of login, it displays the date and time in menu bar, once logged in It disappears from the menu bar.

Solution: Just try these  below mentioned comments:
  • sudo apt-get install indicator-datetime
  • sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata

  • sudo restart lightdm

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tamil Unicode Free Download